On 1st February 2010, my book '40 Questions You Should Ask Your Lawyer Before Buying a Residential Property in Malaysia' was published. It is my first book and I am using the tagline 'Ask the Lawyer' to market the book. It was published by True Wealth Sdn Bhd and distributed by MPH Distributor. It can be found at bookstores such as Borders and MPH and through online order.
Currently, I am going around Kuala Lumpur to promote the book, using my Facebook page : Ask the Lawyer and my social media presence as kruel74. It is considered as a success as at the time this page is written, I have managed to sell 1000 copies of the book which is considered quite an achievement in Malaysia.
I have been interviewed by BFM, the Business station, Personal Money magazine, the Edge and appear as speakers on invitation of Azizi Ali, the millionaire trainer and Investors Expo 2010.