June 24, 2011

Joint Management Body / Committee Part 2

The power to form and to govern the Joint Management Body comes from the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007. A Joint Management Body must be established within twelve months from the handover of vacant possession from the housing developer to the buyers. It is the responsibility of the housing developer to convene the first meeting which agenda has been spelled specifically in the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 including how many quorum is needed for the meeting to be legal, the election of the office bearers, how much the maintenance charges to be charged to all buyers, taking over of insurance of the buildings from the housing developer and any matter in connection with the management and maintenance of the common property with the strata development. The Joint Management Body is a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal which needs to be registered with Commissioner of Buildings. It can sue and be sued. The Joint Management Body members are the developer and the buyers of the strata property.

The Joint Management Body will be managed by a Joint Management Committee or the office bearers which were selected at the first meeting which will act as the management for the whole strata development. The Joint Management Committee shall comprise of the housing developer and a minimum of five buyers and a maximum of twelve buyers. No one can hold office more than three years and a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer shall be appointed among the committee members. The Joint Management Committee shall hold an Annual General Meeting every year and an Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened if a requisition in writing by one fourth of the buyers in the strata development or through a direction of the Commissioner or if the Joint Management Body thinks it is fit to do so. Basically, the duties and powers of the Joint Management Body are spelt out in the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 which include the proper maintenance and spending of the building maintenance fund to manage the common property within the strata development, imposing, collecting and recover any charge on each units within the strata development, insuring the strata development and dealing with any insurance claims, keeping a record of all the buyers in the strata development, maintaining and auditing an account which relates to the building maintenance fund and to make, enforce and regulate the house rules to manage the strata development properly. 

To be continued where I will be commenting on the JMB / JMC

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