December 20, 2010

My book still selling....

As an author and an owner of a brand (yes, I consider the book as my brand), I know the need to constantly remind people (or tell people who don't know) that I have a book out there, titled '40 Questions You Should Ask Your Lawyer Before Buying a Residential Property in Malaysia' and its Bahasa Malaysia equivalent titled '40 Soalan Yang Patut Anda Tanya Peguam Anda Sebelum Anda Membeli Rumah di Malaysia'. The former was released on 1st February 2010 which is on its second printing run and the latter on 1st May 2010.

Of course I consider this as one of the highlight of my career as a lawyer and also as one of the landmark in my life. Although I have a few more projects in the near future (and not so near future), I can consider 2010 has been a great year for me. I will do some sort of highlights of the year in a few more days.

In the meantime, I just checked the Bestseller list of my distributor, MPH Distributor, which is a part of the MPH Bookstore group of company and lo and behold, my book is on the bestseller list again. Although when it came out it only reach No. 6 on that list, it was a proud moment for me and now, after a few months, it is back on No. 14 for the week ending 12th December 2010. It may be due to the special price they are selling it at the MPH Online website. You can now get the book at the price of RM23.92 which is a 20% discount of its RM29.90 price. So, go the site and buy one as I can only managed to find 11 copies of it at MPH Subang Jaya in my hunt for it.

I am now writing my second book on the same subject and the topic will still be about buying houses in Malaysia. It will still be under the same 'Ask the Lawyer!' brand and you can follow my progress through my Facebook page : Ask The Lawyer! books written by Khairul Anuar Shaharudin. You can even post questions for me to answer and suggest what questions should I tackle in my latest book. I have listed issues about the land, built-up, strata issues, Joint Management Committee, Management Corporation, Gated, Gated and Guarded Community and a few general issues as part of the book.

December 14, 2010

My article in

This article was written when we still had half a month before the Bar Council election was over. I was commenting on the year-in, year-out, same face, same offering of the Bar Council election being served up to the public. And why is Bar Council election should be more than any other normal professional association election as Bar Council has so many hands in so many pies especially those who can't find justice in the justice system.

What is 'LoyarBurok' is explained at the site and reproduced here :

"loyar burok" = noun, colloquialism: one who is full of hot air; one who enjoys to talk a lot about things that serve no useful purpose...

Am currently writing a few more articles for them and hoping to publish more.

Here was my article (it is in Bahasa Malaysia) :

Pemilihan Majlis Peguam: Kuasa Golongan Peguam Elitis Sukar Ditembusi

18 November, 2010
By Khairul Anuar Shaharudin
Sebelum saya dianggap ignoran (ada ke perkataan ni?) atau tidak faham bahasa, biar saya jelaskan bahawa saya sesungguhnya tahu yang pemilihan ke Majlis Peguam pada setiap tahun hanya boleh dilakukan oleh peguam dan bukannya orang awam.

Namun begitu, kepentingan Majlis Peguam telah berkembang dari setahun ke setahun sejak ia ditubuhkan sehinggakan ia bukan sahaja menjadi saluran untuk para peguam sahaja tetapi ia adalah tempat untuk orang awam mendapat keadilan apabila keadilan tidak dilayan oleh sistem yang ada.

Tanpa Majlis Peguam, mungkin tidak ada sesiapa yang akan memberi komentar kepada pelbagai undang-undang yang dibahas di dalam Parlimen atau melawan habis-habisan sebarang ketidakadilan yang berlaku di pelbagai segmen masyarakat di Malaysia.

Apakah sebenarnya peranan Majlis Peguam? Badan Peguam adalah satu badan yang ditubuhkan di bawah statut yang kini dikenali Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976.

Ia adalah badan berkecuali yang bertujuan menegakkan peraturan undang-undang dan keadilan serta melindungi profesion undang-undang dan orang awam. Semua peguam yang mempunyai sijil amalan guaman secara otomatik menjadi ahli biasa Badan Peguam. Di bawah Akta tersebut, Majlis Peguam mentadbir Badan Peguam.

Dalam kiraan terakhir Badan Peguam mempunyai lebih dari 13,000 orang ahli. Semua peguam-peguam ini layak mengundi dan menjadi calon ahli jawatankuasa Majlis Peguam.

Malaysian Bar Annual Report 2009-10

Majlis Peguam mempunyai 36 ahli Majlis yang 12 darinya dipilih melalui pemilihan tahunan melalui undi pos yang diedarkan kepada semua ahli biasa Badan Peguam. 11 pula adalah Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri-Negeri Semenanjung dan 11 wakil yang dipilih semasa pemilihan Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri-Negeri Semenanjung. Dua lagi ahli Majlis adalah bekas Presiden dan bekas Naib Presiden tahun yang baru lalu.

Proses pemilihan Majlis adalah mudah di mana setiap ahli menerima sampul yang mengandungi biodata setiap calon yang layak dan kertas undi yang mempunyai nombor siri. Satu sampul yang telah ditaip alamat Majlis Peguam juga disertakan dan sesiapa yang mempunyai masa untuk melihat dan ingin mengundi hanya perlu memangkah kotak di sebelah nama-nama calon tersebut.

Secara amnya, ini semua amat mudah. Namun begitu, ahli biasa Majlis Peguam yang menghantar semula kertas undi yang telah diisi amatlah menyedihkan. Menurut Kempen Candidate Watch oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam-Peguam Muda Kuala Lumpur, hanya 23% dari 13,000 ahli Badan Peguam menghantar semula kertas undi mereka.

Ini sebenarnya amat memalukan untuk satu badan yang ingin pilihanraya umum diadakan dengan lebih bersih, menggalakkan demokrasi serta pemahaman perlembagaan yang lebih baik.

Bukankah jika mandat yang diterima oleh calon-calon dan akhirnya yang terpilih menjadi ahli Majlis Peguam adalah dari sekurang-kurangnya 50% dari ahli Badan Peguam, ia akan menunjukkan bahawa Majlis Peguam disokong kuat oleh ahlinya. Jika 100% atau lebih dari kadar keluar mengundi pilihanraya umum, itu akan menunjukkan satu perkembangan yang lebih baik! Ini nampaknya hilang di benak pemikiran peguam-peguam yang ada.

Namun begitu, peguam-peguam tidak boleh dipersalahkan secara total. Kebanyakan dari mereka terasa mereka dianaktirikan dengan program-program yang diadakan oleh Majlis Peguam sendiri. Walaupun Majlis Peguam menyatakan bahawa ia melindungi peguam, ia jarang diperlihatkan oleh tindakannya.

Kebanyakan peguam menganggap Majlis Peguam hanya mengawalselia insurans indemniti profesional dan sijil amalan guaman mereka. Selain dari itu, Majlis Peguam lebih bertindak sebagai polis kepada peguam dengan usaha mereka menangkap peguam yang bersalah dalam menyalahi pentadbiran wang pertaruhan atau dalam pemberian diskaun kepada anakguam mereka.

Hanya sejak dua, tiga tahun kebelakangan ini barulah Majlis Peguam mengadakan program pembelajaran seperti “Getting Started” dan pentadbiran pejabat peguam yang lebih efektif agar peguam-peguam sedar yang mereka mungkin pandai menjadi peguam tetapi belum tentu pandai mentadbir urus pejabat guaman yang mereka miliki.

Tidakkah Majlis Peguam sedar yang pencegahan adalah lebih baik dari penyembuhan?

Masih ramai peguam-peguam yang ingin berkhidmat tetapi merasakan Majlis Peguam dikuasai oleh golongan peguam elitis yang menyebabkan ia sukar ditembusi. Calon-calon yang menawar diri mereka sebagai ahli Majlis pada tahun ini pernah berada di dalam Majlis Peguam sejak mereka masih muda dan ada yang semenjak tahun 1980-an lagi!

Tidak adakah peguam-peguam muda yang sanggup mengorbankan masa dan melakukan kerja secara sukarela tanpa bayaran (peguam di dalam Majlis Peguam tidak dibenarkan dibayar elaun atau imbuhan kecuali elaun perjalanan). Mungkin inikah yang menjadi halangan untuk Majlis Peguam mempunyai nafas baru.

Atau adakah perjuangan mendapatkan keadilan untuk pelbagai lapisan masyarakat di Malaysia seperti orang asli, pesalah juvana dan pelarian politik dengan penubuhan pelbagai jawatankuasa dan jawatankuasa kecil yang banyak di bawah Majlis Peguam menyebabkan Majlis Peguam tidak mampu memberi perhatian yang adil di dalam usahanya mentadbir hal-ehwal peguam sambil memantau undang-undang dan kerajaan yang ada.

Saya tidak pernah mendengar rakan peguam saya yang dengan rela hati pergi ke Majlis Peguam apabila menghadapi masalah di dalam perniagaan atau pentadbiran kes anakguam mereka. Mereka akan lebih percaya nasihat rakan-rakan peguam mereka. Peguam juga mempunyai masalah terasa lebih pandai dari semua profesion yang wujud kerana hakikatnya peguam memang perlu pandai dalam semua bidang untuk menjadi peguam yang efektif.

Oleh itu, adakah pemilihan ahli Majlis Peguam penting untuk peguam dan masyarakat? Di zaman di mana tanggungjawab sosial korporat menjadi sebarang entiti korporat yang wujud di mana sahaja, tidak syak lagi, ia adalah penting.

Soalannya sekarang, kenapa susah sangat peguam hendak mengundi dan memilih siapa yang boleh mengetuai mereka. Peguam-peguam muda pernah menuntut agar dibenarkan menjadi ahli Majlis Peguam. Di manakah mereka? Dari 32 calon di tahun 2009, tahun ini hanya 26 calon sahaja yang menawar diri untuk dipilih.

Mana semangat sukarelawan peguam di Malaysia? Yang tidak bertanding kerana sebab tertentu telah menyatakan kenapa mereka berbuat demikian, tetapi yang tidak pernah menawar diri mereka langsung? Atau berada di dalam mana-mana jawatankuasa? Macamana nak jadi calon kalau tak pernah menjadi ahli jawatankuasa?

Ya, memang tidak mudah untuk menjadi apa jua di dalam apa jua badan terutama secara sukarelawan. Mungkin kita boleh anggap ia satu cara kita memberi semula kepada masyarakat.

Dan mungkin, sekiranya kita ikhlas dan kita dapat berkhidmat bersama-sama, nama kita akan harum bukan sahaja di kalangan peguam tetapi masyarakat. Barulah, jika kita dapat gelaran “Dato’”, ia memberi makna.
Khairul atau kruel74 (yang digunakannya di dalam Twitter) merasakan dia lebih dikenali sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan dari seorang perguam walaupun namanya ada di papan tanda sebuah pejabat peguam PJ. Dia gemar bersosial di dalam sosial media yang selalunya dibawa ke dunia luar kerana dia percaya hidup ini terlalu pendek untuk dilalui seorang diri. Ikutilah Khairul di Legal Cat-asthrophe

December 6, 2010

1431 : A Good Hijrah Year...

It was a year I wish to remember for a long time. So many things happened. I will probably talk about this again when 2010 ends in a few more weeks but a Hijrah year just gives it more meaning. And with Hijrah and Anno Domini interlocks each other for the past 3 to 4 years, we can count all our blessings in one swoop.

The barakah and the rezeki all comes from our Maker and it shows that as long as you live, blessings can still come in many form.

Let me say that I have made so many new friends through social media and had done (and I hope contribute) to so many causes, I just have to say, social media is a new passion which will not go away that easy. Going to connect more and give back more as much as I can

Whatever it is, just wanna wish, for now :


Don't forget to say our doa' before Maghrib to close the 1431 year and to say our doa' to welcome the 1432 year tonight.

November 29, 2010

So, this is what luxury holiday means....

I once stayed in the local Ritz-Carlton as a wedding anniversary getaway with my wife where it claims that it has a 24-hour butler service. Although they do attend to my whims nearly the whole time we were them, their efficiency and claim they are available all the time, was a bit untested as we were in the mood of being left alone than being attended to.

Then, I was asked by a long lost friend whom I just recently got reacquainted to come and join her at a Villa in Phuket. She did asked me whether I can get away in the middle of the week, and as I can do that, I did. Off I when to Phuket with a one-day lead time with my wife.

Basically, it was heavenly. The place is nice. More than nice. We have a cook (two actually) who will attend to us everytime we were in the villa. We have a concierge who arranged everything. A driver. Basically, I now know how royalty lives. Oh, and there were 2 English Lords are actually living within the Estate. 

The villa is 3 storeys, has 5 bedrooms, a family room, a swimming pool on the top floor, a billiard table, a ping pong table, a massage pavilion, iPod docking stereo units everywhere, a kitchen and 2 kitchenettes.

We had a massage on the morning of the second day. We went horse riding, which was a first for both of us. We played mini-golf. We ate seafood, with my wife eating a RM123-00 lobster as big as her head. Basically, we just had a very, very short luxurious getaway. Don't get me wrong, only the villa is paid for. The other expenditure, we do have to foot the bill ourselves.

And it was fun to live like royalty.... It is a big industry here in Thailand which offer villas and full service apartments and hotels for tourist and vacation clubs. Basically, it is hassle free, as long as you have the money.

November 23, 2010

Photo-shoot for Transitions lenses

I was part of a seeding program for Transitions lenses which more information you can find out here. Don't ask me why I was chosen. I don't exactly remember when I was given this opportunity. I think it was 6 months ago that I received an e-mail asking me whether I want to be part of the seeding program  for Transitions lenses. I received a letter stating which spectacles vendor was chosen as vendor for me to book the lenses. I went there and the shop assistant was clueless as to the program. Only when I showed the letter did they agree to do it for me.

It was sorted soon enough and although I had to pay for the frames, I consider it quite a saving as I found out these Transitions lenses can be quite expensive. So, I got my spectacles after a month as the chosen vendor did a bad job in cutting the lenses for the frames and it had to be re-cut a few times. I did advised them to stop being too honest as I didn't expect the lenses that early as I had just picked-up a new spectacles which has clear lenses and wasn't too eager on a new one. And this is the reason I am not mentioning the vendor's name here.

I finally managed to get the lenses after nearly 2 months and I worn the spectacles ever since. What I love about it is that it is really clear when there is no UV light. However, at first, I just couldn't see the significant change when I go out under the sun. However, after some time, I get use to wearing it and I actually abandon all the other sunnies I have.

Then, a few back, I was asked to give a feedback and kinda model for them. Kinda...because I am not really sure where and how will they used my image. I do get something out of it but in kind more than in monetary value.

So, here are some pictures from the shoot... (feeling a bit vain)

November 16, 2010

Proton's Asia Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) 2010 win

Watch this video by APRC TV and see what Proton has been up to lately :

As the jury is still out about the latest Proton model, Inspira, which is a re-badged of Mitsubishi Lancer, it seems that Proton does have hope in other part of the world. Motorsport that is. With Alister McRae and Chris Atkinson in different cars, Proton managed to get a One - Two podium finish at the China APRC Rally. Both of them used Proton Neo which is the current wanna-be rally racer choice of Malaysian highway, if you ask me.

If you listen closely to the youtube video, it would have said, "the new Proton team" which shows that Proton did made an impression in the APRC rally circuit as they managed to secure that podium finish. Proton still has a long way to go as they need to win at least the Asia Cup to be more noticeable but this is a great way to start.

Whatever comments or any feelings you have on our first national car maker, Proton, I think they do have vehicle models they should emphasise more like the Proton Neo which is quite popular among urban youth. Everyone knows that the first car that most working adult  in Malaysia  would buy when they start to work is a Proton. So, don't deny they do makes life easier for the average Malaysians.

So, why don't we applaud them for a job well-done.

p/s : I too think the Inspira is a Mitsubishi rip-off but it is still a good business coup by Proton.

p/p/s : All photos and video are from FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship website.

November 9, 2010

Peugeot 207 : A car to rival those other B-segment sedans out there

On November 3rd, I was given the opportunity to go and see the launch of the new sedan by Peugeot. Peugeot 207 was launched with a simple ceremony but had a few dignitaries like Malaysia  former Prime Minister (who was kept being mentioned as The Fourth Prime Minister) and a few representatives from Automobiles Peugeot like Mr. Gregoire Olivier who is their CEO of Asian Operations. Tun Dr. Mahathir was the one who launched the event and lauded Nasim Sdn Bhd as one of the successful AP vendor which came good and became a car producer itself other than a car distributor.

Peugeot has given the rights to distribute Peugeot brand in Malaysia to Nasim  Sdn Bhd and Peugeot 207 is the first Peugeot to be produced in Malaysia. Malaysia will also As well as Malaybe Peugeot manufacturing hub for the region. sia, there is plan for it to be exported to other right-hand drive Asian market like Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. According to SM Nasarudin SM Nasimuddin, CEO of Nasim and Joint Group Executive Chairman of the Naza Group of Companies. Peugeot 207 will be exported immediately and will be featured at 2011 Bangkok International Motor Show. The target is for a sale of between 5000 to 6000 units within 2011.

What is the feature of Peugeot 207?

It has a 1.6L engine, leather-wrapped steering wheel, automatic air-conditioning with pollen filter, an instrument panel made by luxury-watch maker, Jaeger, a multifunction display, sensor-activated automatic headlights and wiper.

Other than that, it has an MP3/WMA CD player with USB and auxiliary functionality connected to a six-speaker system, Bluetooth connectivity which can be paired with a handphone, semi-bucket front seats, a boot with 420 liters capabilities and of course the sleek body design of Peugeot which has 15-inch Interlagos alloy wheels. 

In term of engine, it has a 1.6L engne which produces 110 hp at 5,800 rpm and 149 Nm of torque at 4000rpm. It has hydraulic variable power steeringwith a four-speed adaptive automatic transmission which comes with Tiptronic capabilities so it can be manually driven. It has a sport mode transmission and even a traction mode to provide more grip on slippery surface. Fuel consumption which is at 6.1-liters per 100km (mixed cycle) is quite good.

It also has ABS, electronic brake distribution, emergency brake assist, 2 smart airbags, a rolling code immobilizer, 'follow-me-home' functionality for the front headlights and auto-hazard warning lights upon sudden and heavy-braking. 

For me, with the price of RM72,888-00 on the road price, this is a value-for-money car and as the title said is a car to rival those other B-segment sedans car out there.

November 2, 2010

P1 Wimax : Stronger, Wider, Faster

As a 2-year old company, P1 or its real name, Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has really made advances which they can be proud of. If you look at their offerings under a microscope, of course, they have warts and all, like any other company, but as someone who had been given a chance to associate myself with them since early 2009, during the launch of their mobile broadband called Wiggy, I have a tendency to view them favourably. I actually bought their stocks in the hope of making a profit like what most people would have said when they see Microsoft or Apple Inc. then and now.

So, on 20th October, a few days before the the ad campaign could be seen in all media around town, especially the newspaper, we got a bit of a preview. It is to launch a new offering by P1 where you can subscribe the home and mobile broadband together in one package. With the tag of Getting Stronger, Wider and Faster with kids wearing superhero costumes and saying words like Getting Stwonger and such, it shows kid of 2 years old doing amazing things. The all-in-one 4G 'Super Broadband' package also comes with a 'Super Quota' which can be shared between the two.

P1 Wimax also re-brand itself to be known as P1 4G now to show that it is offering 4G connectivity. As this is published, you would have seen the new ad campaign and it will be on billboards, monorails, print medias, radio and TV. They did address the voices of a few unsatisfied customers within the hall that day in which they admit some of their shortcoming and they also acknowledge the growing competition of broadband deployment. For more information, do visit

Here are some pictures from the event which ended with us having dinner on the rooftop of P1 HQ :

November 1, 2010

Keeping to my promise

Not to harp my own trumpet or anything but if any of you remember, I did promise to give RM0.50 of the sale of each of my book to a charity organisation which I had determined the moment my book was out in print. I did try to put an announcement on the book about it but after sometimes, I find it easier to keep it to myself and make sure I did it on my own effort. 

My wife and my partner are those who keep reminding me to make sure I keep to my promise and when I received my first royalty payment last August, I straight away calculated the amount I would be giving to Pertubuhan Misi Penyelamat Bumi, an NGO, led by Dato' Tan Kar Meng, a client and a friend, who had the best intention in trying to save the environment, especially the mangrove forest, using his own invention called the pillow tube.

Dato' Tan has always been one of the businessman who keeps to himself and is one of my business idol since the day I start to know him. As a client he is one of our best and as a friend, he is one of the most caring. Read about the man and his environmental effort from an excerpt from the Tatler magazine here and from his own company, Perwira Bintang, website here. My contribution is just a drop in the sea in contrast with what this man has managed to do. That is why I accepted the job of being the trustee to this NGO when Dato' Tan asked me too. I hope to contribute in some way, one way or another.

Here are pictures of him and I at Pertubuhan Misi Penyelamat Bumi headquarters in Sunway :

October 29, 2010

Islamic Finance weekend plus Monday

It was a very important occasion for me on a personal level and my legal firm as I graduated from International Center for Education of Islamic Finance ("INCEIF")on 23rd October 2010. I now can add Chartered Islamic Finance Professional at the back of my name or CIFP (INCEIF) in short. I started the part time program of this course in 2007 and now I managed to graduated with around 80 other graduands. Our names were published in the newspaper on that day.

All this week, other than the graduation ceremony of INCEIF graduands, there was a bigger event in Malaysia relating to Islamic finance. It was the Global Islamic Finance Forum or GIFF in which INCEIF played a very big role. As Islamic finance grows, these professionals are needed to fill the needs of Islamic finance institution like syariah advisory boards, takaful operators, Islamic banks, sovereign funds of Islamic countries and universities which are supplying these professionals.

On Sunday, 24th October 2010, the Association for Chartered Islamic Finance Professional was launch and it is supposed to be a platform for all CIFP members to connect with each other exchanging ideas even after they became graduates. In short, it is an association for those still studying and those who have graduated, which is most universities is known as alumni.

On Monday, 25th October 2010, it was the first day of the Global Islamic Finance Forum  (GIFF) which had the Malaysian PM, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, the Central Bank Governor, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar, and the patron of Malaysia Islamic Finance Center, Raja Nazrin Shah gracing the opening ceremony. At the end of it, there was the announcement of the International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation to manage Islamic countries the liquidity of the countries who agree such as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Bahrain, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Indonesia and a few others. It was a coup by Islamic Financial Service Board as they will be managing the fund.

All this Islamic finance development is made more meaningful as I also achieved a new personal milestone and this picture is one of the best that I will treasure forever :

With the Chancellor of INCEIF and Governor of Central Bank Msia

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