I was at an event this afternoon where there are guest of honours who officiated the ground breaking of a new university hospital in Malaysia. There were the Prime Minister, the Higher Education Minister and the University President. We were not really there for the university. My partner and I was not the product of that university.
We were there as the developer is our client which always demand all of their suppliers, panel of professionals and even staff to fill up all the seats in any events they hosted. We had to be there in order for us to ever get any more jobs from them. In short, we were not there to really honour the VIPs as we are not the type who blink when VIPs walk in front of us. It is not that we are too proud or too daft but we are a company which doesn't kiss any ass just for the sake of it. What is important to us is to deliver on our job and not just knowing people who may not remember us the next time we meet.
The things about these type of events are the tedious nature of it. The need to park at certain area. The security you need to pass. The people you have to show respect too. The need to stand up upon the cue by the Master of Ceremony. The need to shake hands of the VIPs as they walk through the red carpet and you lining up just so to greet them. The whole pretentious demeanor as if you are interested in what was said during the speech. In short, the whole shebang.
This was the second time the Prime Minister was scheduled to officiate an event at this particular developer's development. The first time he was detained by a visiting dignitaries and he sent one of his minister to officiate the event. This afternoon, he turned up as scheduled. The developer is a subsidiary of one of the most important government linked company in Malaysia and they are one of the earliest Islamic finance institution in Malaysia and some say, in the world. So, it was important for him to show up after a no-show once. Oh, did I tell you the Prime Minister of Malaysia, if according to his admission in news is resigning in a few days and the event just now may be one of his last.
Happy retirement sir...
p/s - the best part which I remembered most was when the State's Chief Minister seems to say goodbye to the Prime Minister as the PM was the one who made him a Chief Minister in the first place. It was kind of funny and not appropriate as the PM still have not give a specific date of retirement