April 20, 2009

However good the young have become, wisdom still come with age....

You were a superstar who made millions when you have your own television shows. You have flown to the moon and back and now is touring the country to show off what you have seen up there. You are a musical sensation when you are just fourteen and throughout your teens and your twenties. When all these people are interviewed, the interviewer who are paid to say something nice (or maybe it was the newspaper or the magazine who was paid) will usually say the tagline "He/She was wise beyond his/her years!" or "She/He is a genius!" or something to that effect.

To me, all these are just spin trying to sell whatever the person is trying to sell. Then there are certain businesses who are run or were run by youngsters. They may be of IT background or they learned some technology while they were in college then they managed to build a business out of their knowledge. They will make millions and they believe they are the best in their industry. No one are as good as them. In Malaysia, there was a time when there were nearly 5 to 6 CEOs who were appointed to their posts when they were just in their 30s. Of that number, I think only one of them are still around. They were initially appointed to their posts mostly by the government. There are those who were appointed by private companies.

I know my theory may not be popular among youth or even among those who are already making their first million at the age of 20 but just out of curiosity, except in sports, where the younger you are, the more powerful and faster and stronger you are, and you need to have the mental capacity to harness this skills that you have within you. However, all sportsperson knows, without their trainers or their coach, pushing them to do their best, telling them they are good and making sure they have discipline enough, they wouldn't have won that 100 meter race, that tennis grandslam, that F1 first finish and then retain it year after year.

In short, all those sportsperson, need some wisdom from someone who has aged more than them. In short, wisdom can only comes with age. That thing you think is wisdom in your head are just ideas. Ideas need to be develop, tested and then tried out. Having ideas are easy. Even a toddler has one. Knowing what happen when the idea dies out or what to do after is another thing altogether. Just ask Bill Gates whether there are things he just wish he had known when he first started out. He may have owned a country if he had known...


Mariuca said...

Hi Kruel74, I like ur new badge, have a good one! :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

No combination of skill and luck can equal wisdom. They can get you lots of money, but wisdom doesn't do that as often. Maybe wisdom is for something greater than just money or fame. Maybe wisdom is what we use to find how to be satisfied with being ourselves.

rei99 said...

i agreed with u on this, but i think those who started earlier in life will experience more things.

the earlier they start...the earlier they fall and learn, i read somewhere half of young IT billionaire in america are drop out students, which failed so much earlier than anyone else.

Calvin Soo KJ said...

*raises hands* hamba sokong tuanku.....being in my early 30s, i still have loads to learn. the learning process will not end until the day we die. :)

Daisy said...

Just dropping by to give you a long kiss!

sandy said...

have tried twice now to return drop favor, but your widget is covered by that nasty pop up ad, or something about chat. Don't know what it is; but it's in the way.

Didn't know if you knew, might want to move it so folks can drop, otherwise your ec will be lower.


Legal Cat said...

Mariuca - Wow, a famous blogger gave me her stamp of approval. Thanks

Ratty - Wisdom to me is priceless...

Rei99 - Good point there..

Calvin - As do I, As do I

Daisy - Muahhhh...

Sandy - Thanks for the information. Editing the widget a bit and hope it works

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