May 28, 2009

That's not how the world work

In one of the episode of the television Leverage, I heard one of the guest character said to the rag tag band of modern day Robin Hood she believes that what they are offering is not feasible as "That is not how the world works", she said. Of course, our heroes break convention, steal money (a lot of it) from the bad guys and give it to this lady who was rehabilitating soldiers who came back from whatever war the United States was fighting but was not covered by their insurance company. 

As a television series, Leverage is not that original but the cast is fresh and the banter seem to click. There are no real 'secrets' among them yet, but I bet there will be. This post is more about those words said by that guest character. The way the world works...

I did once posted about how most of those people who are successful in business are those who doesn't give a damn. Quoting from the film Gone With The Wind, courtesy of Rhett. Anyway, this post is in the same vein. I think, there is no need to beat a dead horse and point out that if you want to be successful in anything, you need to make sure the world will work for you. You can't say that there is already a rule in doing something and you cannot break it. Of course, there are laws but some of these guys break it, and they did it through legal means.


That, is a post for another day...


Rick (Ratty) said...

Guys like Rhett Butler don't really break written laws, but they are willing to destroy the unwritten ones and laugh like maniacs when they do it. Nobody else will do something they are happy to do. That's why they are loved and they're successful. Even beating a dead horse can be done if you do it with flare.

Legal Cat said...

Breaking unwritten rules is another good topic

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