November 30, 2008

"20 years I work, now I want to take it easy...."

The quote above was uttered by a politician I met at a wedding last weekend. He is one of the politician who had to retire when he was not chosen as a candidate in the last election and he was spared the humiliation of being defeated at his stronghold, although the defeat of his successor was also due to a rumored sabotage by his 'people'. Although they were in the same political party, there were strong rumors about his hidden hands behind the sabotage that contribute to the new candidate demise.

I got to know him in 2002 when I was on a trip with him to China. In that trip he was the co-leader of the trip with another state exco where they were both representatives in the same state assembly. The trip was hosted by Ministry of International Trade and Industry. The state was just considered as another participant in the trip.

When I got to know him, this then state representative was a warlord in his area. No one dare to do anything without his consent. He had been the representative ever since he was living at a place within his area was moved from a slum to a low cost flat. He had fight alongside the men that he leads through thick and thin.

What he meant when he said the headline above was that he had been serving the people of his area and never miss a wedding or an event held within his area. Now, he can pick and choose the wedding that he wants to attend and he can also relax on Sundays. According to him , he had served the people well and now he deserves the rest.

I smiled at him when he said it but in my mind I was wondering about his intention when he became an elected representative. He did sound a bit sore, either for not being chosen as a candidate or his party was not the ruling party of the state that he is living now. His sincerity was also in suspicion.

Another point I am raising is the 20 years that he said was the time he had to work day in and day out. Isn't working 20 years but retiring to a life of wealth which include two bungalows as he has two wives and with luxury cars to rival any Hollywood film stars with a rumored businesses running up and down his area, is considered as the best way to 'go'? Some people work until they die and still cannot even dream to own their own house.

20 years....

That's a joke....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Politicians can be so rich.... Unfair for those who worked hard and get nothing.

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